Saturday, 25 February 2012

A little bit of toast.....

One Monday afternoon, the girls in Form 2  created a series of phrases related to living a healthy lifestyle - each letter cut from slices of toast (wholemeal of course!)

Having chosen the most poweful phrases, we then put them in order and created this short animation.

Just click on this image which will take you to our Vimeo channel link

Olympic Park , Stratford, London 2012

Go to work on an egg....

Remember that campaign? 

Yes - I know.  It ages me.... Anyway, as part of our submission to the Make IT Healthy competition in 2012, pupils in Form 4a have been learning how to use Photoshop. 

Recently, they have focused on taking their own image and turning it into an 'Egghead'. 

Lots of work with layers, and Opacity, Desaturation and Colour Balance ( OK - Color Balance as they say in Photoshop). 

It's a slow process, as to get a really good effect you need to work on these layers over and over again - tweaking and re-doing until you get the desired final effect.  Meanwhile, Form 3 continue to work on Fruit Faces : results here soon. 

PS : whatever happened to the 'Lion Mark' ?

Make IT Happy 2012 Milbourne Lodge

All during this term pupils are working on a submission to the Make IT Happy 2012 competition. 

Focusing on healthy living the projects investigate healthy eating, sleep, exercise, sport and emotional well being.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Good Luck Juho!

U6 Milbourne Lodge
We said a fond farewell to Juho from the U6 on Friday, as he's returning to Korea shortly with his family.

Ashness Bridge by Juho
The boys in U6 feasted on hot chocolate and slices of cake - organised by Mrs Bawden.

The icing on the cake showed one of Juho's paintings of  Ashness Bridge -  a traditional stone-built bridge on the single-track road leading from the Borrowdale road in the Lake District.

The view down to the lake from the bridge is famous - in fact it is said that it has appeared on more calendars than many other places in the Lake District.

Good luck Juho - and keep in touch with us all at Milbourne Lodge.
Here are a few examples of Juho's Art work.

Oranges by Juho

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Food glorious food...

Wow! 2012 has arrived with a flurry of activity for every class at Milbourne Lodge. 

During their Art lessons pupils are continuing to plan the next stage of the Centenary Garden  - they will take part in a series of willow workshops shortly after half-term to create items for  their Sculpture Garden. Pupils have already spent the first few weeks of term planning these sculptures and designs on paper.  They are really enthusiastic and excited about the prospect of a two day  workshop - which will involve all the classes in the main school.  

Max Roberts
Rocco Frame
We're still awaiting the arrival of the remaining Coca Cola bottles so that we may continue to build the eco greenhouse - using a total of 2012 empty bottles. 

Meanwhile, during ICT lessons we have been focusing on healthy living : it's all part of our forthcoming submission to the UK wide  Make IT Healthy competition.

Angelina Kim

We've investigated food groups, and the 'Eat Well Plate ' and pupils in Forms 1R and 1S used some basic Photoshop tools  (and some Googly Eyes) to create 'friendly' fruit and vegetables. 

Zubin Khan
I was really  impressed by their interest in many different types of fruits and vegetables.

Forms 2K and 2S looked closely at food labelling and the 'traffic light system' as well as creating anamorphic images using basic healthy foods as their theme.  

Morgan McLucas created a table to show the breakdown of  1L of Milk, and Leo Mills analysed the labelling on a Yoghurt pot. 

Form 3 also focused on the five main food groups - creating a series of 'Bingo Cards' using these food groups. 

Sleep Diary by Aneirin
Hyunsu Jeong
4a and 4b carefully noted their own sleep patterns, by keeping a 'Sleep Diary' for a full week. They created the diaries as tables in Word.  They then took the raw data and in Excel put together some simple formulae and graphs to show their combined hours of sleep throughout the week. They noted average hours slept as well as working out maximum and minimum totals.  

Finally, they brought all their work together  as a series of  Powerpoint presentationa focusing on how awesome and important sleep is. 

More to follow... So much work has been created  that there simply isn't room to showcase all the projects at once.  I know many pupils are looking forward to seeing their own work online - so will post another blog update for the half-term break tomorrow (Friday)